How can retail investors easily select stocks? - uSMART's "Daily Stock Picks" trading feature
04-03 15:15uSMART

Peter is a novice retail investor who has just ventured into the stock market, brimming with curiosity and eagerness. He knows that for investors, seizing market trends and timing the trades is crucial. So, before starting his investment journey, he spent a considerable amount of time following market trends, and news, and researching stock markets and funds. However, due to his busy work schedule or other reasons, he didn't have the time to delve deep into research, resulting in limited knowledge about the stocks he was interested in. As a result, some of his investments fluctuated unpredictably, leading to overall losses. Additionally, some stocks were recommended by friends, but he struggled to time the buy and sell points correctly.

One day, while browsing a YouTube channel, Peter came across a well-known blogger recommending the uSMART securities trading platform. This platform provides a "Daily Stocks Picks"  feature where renowned investment experts recommend potential stocks that have recently shown significant gains in the US, Hong Kong, and Singapore stock markets. Currently, it's free to use, and the recommended stocks are publicly transparent and easy to follow, making it very beginner-friendly for stock market newcomers. Moreover, it provides reasons for the buy recommendations, allowing users to learn stock selection techniques and analytical skills.

Peter checked the backtesting information of the recent "Daily Stocks Picks" and found that the recommended stocks within this feature had very impressive returns. For instance, AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) was selected on March 21, 2024, at an entry price of $896.470. Within five days, it reached a peak price of $1106.110, resulting in a gain of +23.39%.


 Source: uSMART

(This diagram is provided for illustrative purposes exclusively)


In addition, uSMART now offers zero commission trading for US stocks and their ETFs, with a fixed US $1 platform fee per trade, effectively saving traders a lot of costs. Moreover, it provides a variety of smart orders to manage trading risks and execute trading strategies. After using it for a while, Peter couldn't praise the "Daily Stocks Picks" feature enough. Not only did it greatly reduce his time costs, but the return on investment was also much higher than individual stocks he researched extensively on his own.

Daily Featured Series

In addition to the "Daily Stocks Picks" feature, uSMART also introduces the innovative "Daily Featured Series," which brings together the Daily Stocks Picks, daily options, daily grids, and daily structured notes. This series, carefully selected by the chief analyst at Yingli and the Intelligent Investment Team, presents clients with potential opportunities for significant returns on investment daily, considering a multitude of factors such as fundamentals, news, value, and technical aspects.


How to Use the "Daily Stocks Picks" Feature on uSMART:

After logging into the uSMART SG APP, click on "Intelligent Investment" at the bottom of the page. Scroll down to the "Opportunities" section, where you will find the "Today's Stocks Picks" section. Click on the recommended stock of the day to view its details. You can also click on ">" to view historical backtesting information for previously recommended stocks.


(This diagram is provided for illustrative purposes exclusively)



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