US Stock Market Circuit Breakers: Key Measures to Stabilize Markets and Protect Investors
03-27 17:21uSMART

US Stock Market Circuit Breakers: Emergency Brake and Cool Buffer for Market Stability

The US stock market circuit breaker mechanism refers to a series of measures taken by exchanges to temporarily halt trading in the event of extreme volatility, aiming to prevent panic-driven trading behavior caused by severe market fluctuations. These measures, known as "circuit breakers," are designed to stabilize market sentiment and prevent market turmoil.


In other words, US stock market circuit breakers act as a safety valve for the market. When market sentiment becomes excessively exuberant or when stock prices experience sharp declines, this safety valve is activated. Similar to how a car automatically stops when overheating, the circuit breaker mechanism suspends trading to allow the market to calm down, avoiding emotional turmoil and trading chaos. This mechanism consists of several stages, with each stage imposing increasingly longer trading halts, providing participants with time to calmly reassess market conditions and avoid panic-driven trading.


In the US stock market, there are primarily two types of circuit breakers: market-wide circuit breakers and individual stock circuit breakers. These two types of circuit breakers are regulatory measures designed to address volatility in different asset ranges, each with its own set of trigger conditions and execution methods.


Market-wide Circuit Breaker Mechanism

Individual Stock Circuit Breaker Mechanism

Scope of Application

Entire Stock Market 

 Individual Stock

Implementation Method

Triggered in stages based on market index fluctuations

Triggered by abnormal fluctuations in individual stocks, implementing trading suspension mechanisms

Triggering Conditions

Based on the percentage decline of stock indices (such as the S&P 500 index) 


Upward Circuit Breaker

(9:45 a.m. - 3:35 p.m. Eastern Time)

Downward Circuit Breaker(9:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.; 3:35 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time)

the first stage

when the decline reaches 7%, trading will be paused for a period of time (typically 15 minutes) 

Components of the S&P 500, components of the Russell 100, and designated exchange-traded products 



the second stage

if the decline continues to reach 13%, trading will be paused again, typically for another 15 minutes

Stocks priced above $3 per share.



the third stage

if the decline reaches 20%, trading will be halted, with the suspension period extended, possibly until the end of the trading day.

Stocks priced below $3 and above $0.75 per share.



Stocks priced below $0.75 per share

75% or stocks priced below $0.15

150% or stocks priced below $0.30

Trigger Frequency

Once per day

Multiple triggers allowed within a single day



Reasons and Considerations Behind the Establishment of the US Stock Market Circuit Breaker Mechanism

The establishment of the US stock market circuit breaker mechanism is aimed at addressing extreme market volatility, with the main reasons including:

  • Avoiding market crashes: Extreme volatility may trigger panic trading among investors, leading to market crashes and substantial losses. By halting trading through the circuit breaker mechanism, the market can cool down, preventing emotional outbursts.
  • Protecting investor interests: The circuit breaker mechanism is designed to safeguard investors from the impact of extreme market volatility. During trading halts, investors have time to reassess market conditions and make more rational decisions, avoiding erroneous trading decisions driven by panic.
  • Maintaining market stability: Market stability is crucial for the economy and financial system. Through the circuit breaker mechanism, exchanges 

can pause trading when market fluctuations are excessive, preventing market chaos and maintaining overall financial system stability.

In summary, the establishment of the US stock market circuit breaker mechanism aims to protect market stability and investor interests, ensuring orderly operation of the market during extreme circumstances to prevent significant economic losses.


Pros of the US Stock Market Circuit Breaker Mechanism:

  • Maintaining market stability.
  • Protecting investors from extreme volatility.
  • Reducing systemic risks.
  • Enhancing market transparency and predictability.
  • Preventing market vicious cycles.


Potential Risks of the US Stock Market Circuit Breaker Mechanism Under Market Stability Measures:

  • Exacerbating market uncertainty and emotional volatility.
  • Causing trading delays and suspensions.
  • Impacting trade execution issues.
  • Creating liquidity pressures.
  • Damaging investor confidence in the market.

Overall, while the US stock market circuit breaker may initially cause significant impacts and uncertainties, its establishment aims to maintain market stability and protect investor interests. In the long run, the circuit breaker mechanism helps mitigate the negative effects of extreme volatility on the market.


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